with sloan net temporarily offline this past weekend,
i didn't get to review the weekend gigs.  so i'm 
finally getting around to that, but i don't have
much time, so these reviews will be pretty sketchy.
sorry if i'm just repeating what's already been said.


some geeky labelmate of mine unleashed his 
crypto-folkie angst on an unsuspecting public,
playing under the name "best f'n'chips" with
only his electric guitar for accompaniment.
many people actually paid attention and got
into it and applauded warmly, which you don't
always see at solo shows at bars, not even
for broken girl.  so that was cool.  
way to go, jim!

sanisoft rocked harder than their usual
mellow groove -- maybe they were trying to
compete with the chinstraps!  there was 
feedback to spare at the end of "devastated" 
or whatever it's called, which sounded more 
like a rock song this time.  i think it's my 
fave, in any form.  i think sanisoft should
set up a "night of the living duos" concert
with the chinstraps, purple knight, speedo,
and preppy relatives.  what do you think?

the chinstraps were described after their
amazing show, by mr. gordon isnor, as
"the best band in halifax."  if you'd
been there you might believe him.  it was
really quite the display of self-deconstructing
non-gender-specific cock rock, as dave ledden
himself might say.  see the chinstraps, if
you can.


state champs were doing cool versions of
their songs, practically humming along,
even after a guitar string got broken.
as brendan said, "set up in frats" sticks
in your head forever.  anyways, mark's
guitar went *way* out of tune and he 
just dropped it during "wine makes us"
and sang the rest without it.  thanks
to smooth ad-libbing by uberdrummer 
mike catano the song came off and 
mark and mike hi-fived right afterwards.
but then the "fab four" started getting 
really big shocks off the mics and after 
andy (and maybe others) started seeing 
stars, they walked off stage on mark's 
cue without playing their last two songs.
people gave them applause anyways.

weasel-faced judge are not my thing,
but i was never into frank zappa either.
those boys can play but that fact alone
doesn't excite me.  anyways.

thrush hermit are, like, in the upper
stratosphere of bands now.  it must be
6 or 8 gigs in a row they've done in
halifax now where they've been as 
perfect as you'd want any rock band
to be.  their latest creative surge
has just taken them to a whole new 
level.  classic hermit moments included
joel jumping the barrier and finishing
his last solo on the dance floor.
mista cliff gibb was even better than
usual.  vive la hermit.


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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