hey kids

quel surprise, it's about the super friendz who came back to calgary last 
night, but played the *good* night club, the Night Gallery. this day was 
off to a relatively bad start as my car was rearended and jane and i 
foolishly watched "beyond rangoon" before we went to the gig. by the way, 
if everyone on this list doesn't go see that movie, you all suck and are 
useless. i'm not kidding. it's very important, go see it. it just isn't a 
good film to see before a gig, we were crying too much.

but anyway....

we got to the night gallery around 930 pm and the first person we saw was 
charles austin sitting down with my friend and yours, lisa. seems the 
friendz had no place to sleep so they decided to trick lisa into letting 
them stay at her house. after saying hello to charles, jane and i went to 
the car again to get out the big box of chocolate chip cookies we nerds 
made with our good friends eric and jason for the super friendz. you 
know, a thank you present of sorts. they seemed pretty damn excited about 
them, drew kept saying "that's so kind" and well chris he scarfed down 
about 10 in one minute. 2 Phat Cookies.

anyhoo...while mayday (noise noise noise) played i was showing chris 
photos from this summer...he called tara da costa "shrimp" and laughed at 
the picture of mike catano playing nintendo. in a nice way, of course. i 
had to give him some kleenex for his ears because of the noise which was 
stupid and loud for no reason at all. and he gave me a stick of gum, 
cinnamon my favorite! the gum addict strikes gold. 

drew and matt were playing pool behind us and after matt sunk the 
last ball, drew and i were talking about some of their newer songs, 
like the titles and stuff. charles had gone off to meet with his father who 
had come down from edmonton to see the band. then straight played, who 
people seemed to like a bit more.

here is the set list for the super friendz:

better call
when they paid me
optimist :) :)
down in flames :)
karate man
bass lime
come clean
green hand
up and running
rescue us from boredom ---> matt and drew both said there will be a video
                            for this in september.
last song of the night was

10lbs and while they were playing it, i finally figured out what the dumb 
title meant. duh. what a good song. :)

okay, now i've seen them five times and even though the cd release party 
was really fun and their oasis show was long and crazy and warm and cozy, 
i have to see this was their best performance. the music was REALLY 
tight, there were no equipment fuckups as usual and it just seemed to gel 
together finally. matt screwed up on the vocals for one of charles' songs 
i think but nothing serious, he just smiled and stopped singing.

the best thing was even though the music was really tight, the band was 
really letting loose. usually matt goes nutso and stuff, but this time 
charles was groovin and drew, wow. drew was a dancin dancin dancin 
machine, watch him get down!!! i'm really sorry none of us got this 
performance on videotape, it was truly entertaining.

it was a pretty full house, too, which was nice, plus everyone seems to 
clap and stuff.

i had to be a big loser after and get my 7'' signed. i was sort of 
embarrassed because well after you write record reviews and interviews 
and stuff with a band about four or five times, it seems really stupid to 
go back to being "hi may i have your autograph?" but they were all really 
nice about it and wrote clever and witty things. later on when we went 
next door to eat, chris was telling stories about how he went to DC when 
he was younger and went to ian mackayes's house and wanted records signed 
and stuff. he totally gave me this look, totally mocking me for asking 
them for autographs earlier. beet red embarrassed, that was me.

well i won't go any further, it was very nice to sit down with them all 
and talk for a bit longer. 

oh yeah, matt said "shit" and charles said "shitty" on cjsw during their 
interview yesterday. way to go, ckdu alumni!! :)

anyway, go see them, buy their stuff, give them good wholesome food, bla 
bla bla.

thanks colin for sending them this way again. :)

super happy (ha ha...)
tara :) :) :) :) :)

"i feel sick and you're a thousand miles away and i feel terribly ill..."

    THE SMITHS???? or TRISTAN PSIONIC????  you be the judge....

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