..and now...james covey, ladies and gentlemen.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 16:59:29 -0300
From: James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: in-dyd

mc>On Thu, 13 Apr 1995, "Macho Man" James R. Covey wrote:

wow, no one ever calls me "macho man."
i mean, people used to, but my mom told them not
to do it or they'd be in trouble.  :-)

mc>remember, indie is as meaningless as alternative or lo-fi.  
jc> meaningless.
jc> so, for example, honeymoon suite are as alternative as shellac,
mc>come to think of it - they probably are.  no one's going to make fun of 
mc>you for listening to shellac.  when's the last time you actually heard hs 
mc>on the radio?

i can guarantee you that more people will buy a honeymoon suite 
record in this country, still, than will buy a shellac record.
and if you don't think that there people who will make fun of
you for listening to shellac, that's more a mark of their obscurity
than any supposed imperviousness to lampoonery.

woo, i just used "imperviousness" and "lampoonery"
in the same sentence.  this feels like a david letterman moment...

jc> boyz II men are as lo-fi as moonsocket,
mc>lo-fi is a joke.  can you define it?  is sebadoh lo-fi?  what about all 
mc>of their studio stuff? is it lo-fi because it sounds like shit?  hum?  
mc>what about gbv?  their records sound like classic rock production to me.  
mc>does that make led zeppelin lo-fi?  c'mn, mr. smarty-pants, 
mc>straighten me out!

well, since you asked...  :-)

um, catano, this is all a big fat red herring.  can you define "love"?
or "friendship"?  or "rock and roll"?  or "baroque"?

i mean, i *could* jump through this conversation hoop of yours.  :-)
here i go...  geronimo!!!

lo = low = of little quantity
fi = fidelity = accuracy of reproduction
so lo-fi = "little accuracy of reproduction"

what are these inaccuracies (and thus how do we contrast "lo fi" to "hi fi")?
three examples:
- disregard of audible tape hiss by (sometimes cheap) analogue recording methods
- deliberately maxing out channels to create distortion (e.g. motes)
- mumbled lyrics so that the words are hard to make out (poorly reproduced)

is this specific enough for you?

bands that use or have used such techniques:
eric's trip, silver jews, sebadoh  <-- lo fi!

bands that have not used such techniques:
crash test dummies, honeymoon suite, world party  <-- hi fi!

jc> and mariah carey is as indie as fugazi.
mc> she and ian mackaye smoke crack together.  that makes her cool. and we 
mc> all know that cool=indie.

well, that's true if words are as meaningless as you want to make
them out to be.  :-)

jc> the president of zedd recordz is dr. robert kruse.  
jc> our boss.  :-)
mc>so how does he like "nevada downs"?  

well, actually, he's pretty embarassed by it.
he doesn't want anyone to know that there's
any connection between zedd and daydream.  :-)

mc>everyone is getting paid, and it's just a matter of how and why.
jc> and that's what people were interested in talking about, i thought.
mc>not really - people are interested in going "blahblah they're indie"  
mc>"blahblah they're not"  and not really talking about it.  

wait a freakin' second!  :-)
yer the one who said, "shut up"!

that was all the encouragement i needed.  :-)


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