Ok I do not know why I did not think of this before but..
here is the deal, no one are bigger fans of The Super friendz than you 
folks, except for those of you who think they stink.. but anyway
it looks like The Chart, or Chart will be putting the Super Friendz on 
the cover next issue and they want a list of fans who might be interested 
in getting a copy of the cover made into a poster... for free.

I am thinking this is a good deal and since the Super Friendz did not get 
there act together enough on the last tour to put out an address book I 
thought I would ask any one interested to send your snail mail address to 
me and I will pass it along to Chart, a poster should come in time for 

please do not label me marketing devil, I thought it might be cool

the Al Tuck posters will be available a little latter on...

take care

Colin M

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