
it's the sizzled sizzle teen here, trying to come to terms with the
disappearance of sloan...  my mind has been in a daze for the past few days,
so sorry for the delay.  (edgefest 3 review to come later)

well, the meeting at Future's Bakery did happen... about an hour after the
planned meeting time.  yes, we were there, except we were in the back because
there were no seats up front on the patio!!  anyways, there was a grand total
of 10 of us and it was a lot of fun :)  too bad others couldn't make it...
maybe next time.

basically we hung out at future's and talked as we waited for the rain to
stop.  we loitered there for about 3 hours (not breaking the record set by
nina, cathy, and i since there were 3 of us at mcd's, and 10 of us at
future's).  heard some interesting stories too ;)

yup.  that's basically it for this posting.  next posting:  sloanfest (geez,
event the guys in treble charger were calling it 'sloanfest'!)

                                ...sizzle teen

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