flyer reads:  Dec 7:  The Super Friendz with Al Tuck and No Action

the venue would be the Volcano in Kitchener :)  yipeee!  ...but i'm not 
sure if it's 100% definite.

also, this month's _impact_ features a little blurb and pic of trike :)

and to all the ottawa people:
does anyone know right off the bat any affordable housing in the Place de 
Ville area??  or does anyone know where *not* to live in ottawa before i 
begin my search for a place to live (jan - april 1996)?  eek!  i don't 
know where i'm gonna live...

                        ...sizzled sizzley t

carol nishitoba                 ! "you look like a sloan fan"
2A e.r.s., co-op                !    -- greg at ckms (100.3 fm)

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