My computer is back and working, lost a lot of mail
(look, no S :) but my signature was still there, THANK
GOD! Look for the fantastic thingy at the end of this
stuff that probably won't interest any of you. Sorry.

BUT someone mentioned Posies and slamdancing and when
we (Lousy, the band I'm in (I don't like the sound of
"my band")) played this weekend at the same festival 
as the wonderful Posies I talked to their bassplayer and
he said he knew the guys from Sloan and, well, "no, for 
the thirteenth time, it's not *MAYBE*! They ARE breaking
up!". He liked my Sloan t-shirt and the next day when I
had my ET-shirt on he said "oh, so you like canadian bands,
don't you?". Really bright fella, eh? :) Well, I really
LOVE the Posies, but I'm not really fond of that guy. He's
a fucking LIAR! (to quote one of the new fantastic Posies-
songs.) He promised he'd were a Lousy t-shirt when they
played, but he didn't. They should get rid of him... He
doesn't fit in. Looks like he's playing in the chili peppers
and acts like he's playing with the rolling stones. What? No,
I'm not dissapointed... What makes you think that? :) But,
HEY, they where great (except for mr LIAR, hrmphh. He liked
our demo though. At least he said so...) and YES there was
an awful lot of swedes slamdancing and surfing.

I'm thinking of ordering some stuff (i.e. Eric's Trip and 
Moon Socket) from Derivative, and I wonder if someone would
like to tell me if they've got anything else worth purchasing.

BTW, today I'm one of the happiest boys on the planet! I
got some lovely stuff from Sappy Records including a letter
signed both Jon and Julie, they REALLY seem to like our demo 
(even Ben the baby! According to Julie he'd moved his leg!)
and... well, I'm not telling you any more right now. 

Cake tare,

Magnus - REALLY happy! :D

ps - does anyone know anything about Sunday Records,
Illinois? Please let me know!

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   - letting people down since 1994 -
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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