hey there...

yes it is true the first shipment of slaonnet tees is on its way as we 

the following people should look forward to recieving their tees very soon:

d'arcy flueck
rob page
warren rodericks
david waraksa
ryan benson
karen wilkinson
alex bozikovic
per langstrom
tara lee witchen
jon bartlett
corey sutella


anyhow thats the first shipment... in addition to the people whos shirts 
i already gave out your know who you are... anyhow the next shipment will 
be in a little while.. i tryed to do most of the out of towners in this 
shipment.. and also all the larges .. the place where i got the shirts is 
having a shipping crissis with xl's so i have to wait til they get more 
in before i can make the xl shirts other than the 3 i was able to buy the 
first time...


incidently dores anyone know when jon bartlett gets back from camp... i 
have both adresses but i figured if hes comming back really soon id mail 
it to his house... 


nina i know you were the first to order a shirt but i only had 4 xl's and 
they were basically claimed.. colin at murder got one... jon's dubibng me 
this guided by voices thing i needed... corey ordered state champs stuff 
and tara helped put out our record.. so just hang in there yours will 
come soon...


anyhow i guess thats all for now when the next (and last ) batch is done 
i give you the word ...



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