alright, so two people (shawn's review came in while i was writing this) 
beat me to the concert review.  BUT, it was my *first* sloan concert, so i 
still want to say my $0.02 :)

the first opening act was _the local rabbits_ from montreal with their 
own brand of rockin' blues.  their attire was quite, how you say, 
country (nice hats).  well, not really.  anyways, i liked their style.  
looking forward to hearing them again.

next came _hip club groove_.  i personally don't like dance and rap 
music, so i won't say much.  but i felt bad for the lack of response 
they received from the crowd.  clever lyrics.  for a while, patrick 
was standing in the middle of the dance floor, kinda bopping along.

finally (and i do stress finally) them sloan boys came on.  and boy, did 
they rawk!  enjoyed every single minute of it, and didn't get trampled!  
it pays to stand at the side of the stage; got an awesome view of 'em 
all, especially patrick.  at one point, we had an interesting character 
get onto the stage and dance away (during 'snowsuit sound', i think -- my 
mind is in a daze. it was jay singing lead).  loved the look on their 
faces :)  'underwhelmed' was played in the middle, and took an 
interesting twist; not as loud, and slower (note: i haven't heard the 
peppermint ep; just bought it yesterday).  oh, and rapping inbetween 
(hcg).  their new song rawked.  patrick does play a mean bass.  loved 
the closer, 'people of the sky'.  andrew was jamming surperbly, and criss 
.. has an ego ;)  *sigh*  although, i wanted to hear 'bells on' and 
'deepr than beauty'. can't wait to see them again, next week.  a 
late b-day present, maybe (last night being an early one)?  so, all those at 
the T.O. show look out for (i.e. try not to crush) a 4'11" oriental female with 
glasses, wearing a green murderecords t-shirt......

a big hi goes to warren, shawn, mike (luved your shirt!) (thanx to all 
three for not laughing <out loud> when you saw me), and the guy that signed 
on to sloan net yesterday (welcome aboard)! :)

tara in calgary, criss sayz hi. 
                        ...carol (ex-sloan concert virgin AND the one 
                                 that yelled out 'rita and friends' to patrick)

p.s.  secret source says that although jale'll be with sloan in t.o., 
     jenny pierce won't be singing with 'em :(
p.p.s.  warren (sorry if i got your name wrong), did you document your 

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