halifax in toronto

part I:  at muchmusic

no, we missed chris and patrick (omigod, patrick was there -- and i missed
him!!! aurgh!! :( ), but we did see jale on the wedge.  d'arcy, lisa
[chen-wing -- the ffiction reporter girl ;)], and i were at the studios
watching jale, trying to get inside because it started to rain a bit... i was
the short ugly one in the murder tee.  but we were able to talk to criss and
jay who were there.. jay remembered d'arcy and lisa, but had no idea who i
was.  and chris actually remembered me from the super friendz perfomance at
the el mocambo in june!! (he even knew my name!! wow :) )  got to talk to
jennifer too.. cool :)  she uses a pentax camera (good camera!! [plug for my

part II:  at cfny

then the three of us headed down to CFNY studios to catch chris and jay.  oh,
we got to see two members of rusty too.  as jay and chris were making their
way to the area where guests talk to the radio announcer (imagine a radio
studio the size of a store, where people are allowed to come in and watch --
that's what this place is like), chris bumps into me.  accident?  i think
not!! (all right, outside, just you and me, murphy!!!)  so they do the little
radio thingy, taking calls and stuff.  about 10 minutes before the end of the
interview, the haligonians walk in (i.e.  shant, adam, katrina, and sara). 
:)  a little 'netter get together :)  after sloan are off the air, they are
taken to the back where a table is set up to sign autographs.  before they
get to the table, chris lets of this scream when he sees the haligonians! :) 
.i've never heard a yell like that in my life!!

and that was my adventure yesterday.  i taped the sloan on much thingy.. i
saw alex and shanan :)  really short cut, alex!!

well, hope to see a lot of you tonight at future's :)  remember:  5 pm at
future's bakery on bloor st, across from albert's hall/ brunswick house. 
we'll be waiting on the patio. hopefully i'll have a name tag by then... 

                                        ...sizzle teen

p.s.  if you're unsure about the t.o. meeting, phone me at (905) 279 -3566

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