for anyone who was at the first all ages show at the gravitee club during 
the pop explosion, i'm not sure if i'm imagining this or not, but i seem 
to remember strawberry doing a cover during their set. for some reason i 
think it was a cure song but then again, i could be completely imagining 
this. if you were there and you remember, please email me and let me 
know. thanks.


ps/ thanks to all the kids who did sloan covers. tara just sent the rest of
them my way and they're all very nice and sound like you put a lot of 
thought into producing/performing them. i'll post when the DAT is ready 
to go and we start copying tapes. shouldn't be too long now. :) by the 
way, if you contributed but didn't send us a bio or anything, please 
email tara or i. remember, there's two of us here. :)

ps+/ colin *is* really old.

"...when we first started, Ian, Rob and I, our first band was called 
Nabisco Fonzi."           - Joel Plaskett

***CJSW 90.9 fm -->***

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