on sunday, the cinnamon toast brunch was held at birdland. i know 
everyone was having trouble with venues and all but it was really hard to 
feel like eating much in the dirty dark old birdland. there was a lot of 
food, scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes, bagels, homefries, and of 
course, lots n' lots of cinnamon toast!! colin and shawn and the kids 
from cinnamon toast kept busy all morning and afternoon making the food, 
so hooray for them. :)

by the time roderick and i arrived, we had missed broken girl's set. i 
heard later on that people weren't as quiet or polite and it bothered 
julie a bit. birdland has a tendency to bring out the moron in most 
people, i'm finding.

i walked around and asked various people what they thought of the food 
and atmosphere and music. derek from hip club groove said it all... 
"sweaty". mary from impact magazine seemed to think it was odd eating 
breakfast/brunch in the club that only 10 hours earlier everyone was 
jumping around and being drunk and crazy. dave from cfny hadn't eaten 
when i ran into him with the exception of a fry which he seemed to think 
was good. ok, dave, food critic. marc from len said "yeah its fuckin 
awesome, whatever." he hates me. :)

plumtree was playing a rather stripped down set while we ate and it was 
nice, not too loud at all. however, i'm not the hugest plumtree fan so i 
can't tell you what songs they played, although rod pointed out when they 
began their new hit from the 7'' "sodium chloride". it sounded like 
plumtree so if you like that sort of thing, it was good. if not, well, 
you probably wouldn't have been won over. they sure smile a lot. :)

next up, one of the best things ever, it was piggy! people have already 
described the madness that is piggy, but i couldn't believe it! they are 
not like anything else in halifax, no sirree. violin, standup bass, a 
horn section, acoustic guitar, and it was all music of a different time. 
i really really enjoyed it, they were very talented and entertaining and 
wonderful. perfect for a rainy (did i mention the HURRICANE that was 
currently beating the hell out of halifax??????? it was umbrella 
destroying weather, i tell you) sunday afternoon.

they have a cassette out called "calypso avalanche" and i don't know 
where to buy it if you don't live in halifax, maybe someone could post an 
address. i stupidly didn't buy a copy when i meant to, i just plain old 
forgot. argh. 

they also staged one of the only things resembling a protest against the 
corporate sponsorship of Export `A'. in case you were in halifax, those 
little slips of paper protesting it were created by CKCU music director 
Shawn Scallen - he put his address on some of them so he doesn't care if 
people know in case anyone is worried. he's no coward. :)

but anyway, piggy also staged their protest. they brought a cotton candy 
machine out into the dance floor and i guess the idea was for it to spray 
clouds of cotton candy everywhere but it kind of didn't do that but it 
was funny to watch anyway. esp. when one of the plumtree girls went up 
and started taking pieces of it back to eat, causing ian mcgettigan to 
giggle a lot. it's true.

they hacked up stuffed animals, defaced the export a sign, and smoked on 
stage. they had an export a mascot come out and hand out anti smoking 
literature and stickers. it must have taken a lot of work to do that. i'm 
not sure what sort of impact it left on people but at least they said 
something. it's too bad that the pop x is broke and i know cigarette and 
alcohol companies always sponsor the arts and sporting events, but that 
doesn't mean we have to sit there and smile politely at them. :) so fuck 
ya, export a! woo hoo!

they also ended their set with a song called "murder at the pop 
explosion" and it was all about export a, but really, considering the 
name of one of the labels in halifax and all, it was kind of funny for 
other reasons, too. :) it almost sounded like a new jingle or something 
if you only heard the chorus! "murder murder, i cry MURDER murder at the 
pop explosion!" 

we ran through the rain just in time to catch al tuck's set at 
wormwood's. al tuck and his new band. i asked him on monday who the new 
players were, but all i can remember is the drummer is from uisce beatha 
and um... well they were quite good. he's moving into a more jazz 
influenced sound it would seem, not so much the country-blues thing. i 
guess lil orton has ruined country music forever... :)

he played my favourite track from _arhoolie_, "good and ready" and one of 
my favourites from _brave last days_ "i can't pretend" and they were so 
nice. you couldn't have asked for nicer music on a rainy sunday 
afternoon. i'm sorry i missed moonsocket and snailhouse before, but 
seeing piggy was worth it. i also missed radioblaster (sorry derek) and 
leonard conan, curb, and smoother over at the gravitee club cause i had 
to sit at our table at the symposium. oh and do a little shopping, too. i 
only had 25 bucks but i managed to trade a state champs 7'' for a 
snailhouse 7'' with julie, since jim and james had all the sappy 
releases. i had actually purchased the snailhouse 7'' earlier on saturday 
but since i'm sooooo nice (it's true!) i gave it, GAVE IT, to mike 
catano, since he was whining :) about me staying at his house too long 
this summer. oh come on mike, i know you miss me now...blah blah...

it was kind of sad to watch them tear everything down at the end, it was 
the coolest part of the pop x, participating in it. i managed to buy the 
new eric's trip 7'' from sonic unyon, the patti christ superstar 7'' from 
derivative, the moonsocket subpop and ratfish singles, plus about a 
billion stickers. it was just nice to meet the faces behind the names, 
you know? if you missed this part of the pop x, you missed out big. it 
had a nice feeling to it. 

afterwards, the daydream crew (all FOUR of us) went over to jimcee's for 
kraft dinner (mmmMMMMmmm!!) and to get throroughly drenched. blah. we got 
back to birdland just in time to catch most of elevator to hell (the 
first band up for the all ages show that night)....

"A lot of people think Matt's Kato Kaelin."
                     - Drew Yamada, the Super Friendz

***CJSW 90.9 fm --> http://www.ucalgary.ca/~cjswfm***

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