Friday night at the khyber in hfx, sparsely 
attended but well worth 
the $5 an allages show featuring bomb threat (mike c on drums woo woo!), 
preppy relatives, tim robbins experience (thrush hermit minus cliff), 
superfriendz & jale. Bomb Threat were abrasive but entertaining, reminded 
me of coyote but the suits may have had a lot to do with that...(TOO) 
LOUD! Preppy relatives (guitar & drum duo) were up next. I liked them, 
intelligent lyrics, but I must confess that my attention was mostly 
focussed on the kissing couple wearing bride & groom costumes 
positioned on the stage behind the band. It was performance art, y'see.
TRE were hilarious (the rob & ian falsetto "harmonies" were priceless) with 
songs like "six figure sattelite" & "countdown to the grammy's" (complete
with grammy acceptance speech & a screamed "I'd especially like to thank 
GAAAAAAAAAWWWWWD! GAAAAAAWWWWWWD!). Superfriendz seemed a little subdued 
(the 3rd floor of the khyber is a weird space, very dark) to watch 
criss bashing away & mugging for "lp drummer" dave marsh (who was sitting 
on the stairs right below me)...I can't help but think that it must be a 
little distracting for the rest of the band...poor drew had equipment 
trouble again...not among their best sets but still really fun. Jale 
played a short set as well...mostly stuff from the new ep, some of the 
non-allyson songs fr dreamcake & a leonard conan cover ("frightened 
of...")...a few people danced. Roderick handed out cryptic valentines (he 
gave 1 to jale) but no baked goodies :(

SLOAN last night at birdland...pat said at the end of the set "see us 
tomorrow night or never again" :( so everyone in hfx the sunday allages 
show is your LAST CHANCE! Did both stood up & same old flame as well as
covers of thrush hermit (25 all right) & elevator to hell (that girl
problem song...I don't have the lp upstairs with me). It was criss who sang ped up 
"before i do" (tho i have no idea what he used as a "talking part" at the 
end). LOts of jumping, no violence this time except for in the crowd.
Yan modelled the new sloannet t-shirt which is truly wikked! lots o 
sloannetters there...jon dacey,yan,heather,jim 
cooper,rod,shant,adam,andrew were among those i saw & i'm sure there 
were many more...

see all you haligonians in less than an hour & all you upper canadians on 
friday. woo hoo!

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