the super friendz, the inbreds, and jale all played in calgary tonight at 
the republik nightclub. it was the fourth time in calgary for the 
inbreds, but the first time for both super friendz and jale. however, it 
was *my* first time seeing the inbreds.

super friendz were up first. i was going to take a setlist but i sort of 
forgot so i'll have to try to remember what they played. one song they 
played which surprised me was 'optimist', from _sticktoitiveness_ - what 
a great sad song. drew really is a gifted songwriter. they played Karate 
Man, which they referred to as "fuckup man", when they paid me, down in 
flames (oooh, break my heart...), 10lbs (hey they have a video for it 
now), kiss the land ("our ballad"), rescue us from boredom (they will 
have a video for this around september), fireflies (oh, it was soooo 
pretty, it would have made all of you friendz haters cry!!). they also 
played green hand, the one that goes "ya ya" all through the chorus. drew 
says he isn't sure that song works, but i think it does. it's so stupid 
and funny. um, they also played Up and Running, that one where they go 
"whyyy stop it now" - *sigh* . i wish they recorded that one. they also 
played a few more that i don't know the names of. sound quality was 
pretty good from where i was standing but apparently they thought they 
weren't that good, or at least they seemed really concerned.

one of my friends told me he really didn't like them very much because of 
"that guitar players one note solos, and all the OOOOOOHs". ha ha, what 
the hell does he know anyway? actually, i was rather concerned for them, 
i wasn't sure they'd do very well in calgary. we're a rather fickle crowd 
and we tend to like our pop with lots of rawk, not rock. if you catch my 
drift. i think the super friendz go right over a lot of heads here. not 
that people were rude, but we just dont' hear many bands like them here. 
they're kind of special, i suppose. :)

matt did his usual mental dance near the end of the set. he didn't try to 
kick chris and he only jumped off the drum kit twice. i think the best 
song of the set would have to be a tie against down in flames and up and 
running. many people were disappointed they didn't do Come Clean, it's 
the single that stayed at number 1, 2, or 3 at cjsw for like 3 months. 
also, i was sad they didn't play Stone Alone or Better Call, my two 
favorites from the album, nor did they do Boots, my old favorite. but 
that's ok, they played a longer set than i thought they might. 

although charles and drew were perfect gentlemen and have my utmost 
respect, matt decided to stand right in front of me in the middle of 
jale's set...there's just no excuse for that. he can see them any old 
time. well, i guess it wasn't that rude, but still. :)

the inbreds were next. i was talking to charles about how we thought the 
mock up scale down release party/boat cruise was a very special time when 
he said "oh you have to watch them, they are my favorite band."

i'd heard the cds and liked them but they didn't blow me away. however, i 
keep hearing how wicked they are live. well...

do you know what it is like to hear a song and feel like crying and yet 
you're so happy because the song is so pretty but the words or the way 
the music sounds are so sad and all your troubles get magnified but you 
feel numb to everything? yeah. like that.

in other words, the inbreds are quite possibly canada's most special band 
live. i have not been moved so much by a band's live performance 
since...the only thing that truly comes close is the time i saw broken 
girl at birdland. it's something very special and magical and unique. i 
don't know the names of their songs, but i wish i did, because they were 
all amazing. i know people rave about them all the time, but honestly, i 
was least interested in seeing them but they affected me the most. please 
go see them, they will remind you why music is so simple yet powerful. i 
hope they come back really soon. many people here agree.

jale was up last, of course. here's the set list, ok?

 * double edge
 * all ready
 * jesus loves me
 * band sucks
 * leave it alone
 * storm
 * long way home
 * back on track
 * nine years
 * coincidence (the cheticamp song)
 * ali (this song is so amazing)
 * blue streak
 * nebulous
 * promise
 * superstar (which blew everyone away)

they did a short two song encore. one of the songs was that really upbeat 
country-ish song jenny sings which i dont' remember the name of, and the 
other was (*sigh*) "frightened of", the leonard conan song. it was so pretty.

they all seemed a bit tired, although laura was smiling in her funny 
little way throughout the show. mike "has ron wood hair" according to 
matt murphy. the songs were performed nearly flawless - if one more 
person mentions jale and "learning to play instruments" in the same 
paragraph, i'm going to punch them. they are just fine.

well, they impressed enough people to buy their albums etc. anyway.

after the show, the bands loaded their gear and headed off to slumber at 
marc brown's parent's house. oh i have such memories of that 
snapple, as much as you want. melrose place on video. mmmmMMMMMmmmm. i 
hope they enjoyed their stay.

it was really nice to see these bands, although honestly, it was weird 
seeing them and *not* turning around and seeing other familiar halifax 

by the way, for the ottawa kids, there will be an unannounced jale/super 
friendz show at the pit september 9. shhhh, you didn't hear it from me. 
that'd be ALL AGES. i think there is a bar show the night before.

go see this tour/these bands when they hit your town, you won't be sorry. 
only 10 more days til the super friendz come back here... :) :) :) :) :) :)


ps/ hi to you, too, colin. :)

"...but i know some morning without any warning you'll be gone..."

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