hello :)

i'm still willing to hear stories/reviews/whatever about the pop explosion!

anyone see mucheast last night?  next week's is gonna be allll about the 
explosion (er, wall to wall, i believe the term was).  wheeee :)  showed 
a bit of sloan singing torn, saw chris murphy interrupt an interview 
between peter rowan and mr campbell, tried very hard not to squeal in 
delight when they showed sloan, but unfortunately, it didn't work... 
oops.. ;)

also, i was at ckms the other day and saw the super friendz _by request_ 
sg.  since i don't have a turntable, i've never bothered to give it a 
second or first glance until now.  but i noticed that on the b-side (?) 
(the side with when they pay me), it says "copyright (well, actually it's 
the copyright symbol) stinkin' rich".  HUH!?!?  intentional flaw to bring 
up the value of the 7"?  did they correct it in the versions of the 
single that come with the cover with the red (instead of green) border???

                        ...sizzled teen
carol nishitoba                  | _in the meantime_ no. 1...
2A E.R.S., co-op                 |  circulation: 30  :) :) :)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |  copies still available!!

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