so the pop explosion was over but i had one last night in halifax with my 
good friends. many of the sloan net kids who had travelled from across 
canada and the states had to leave on sunday, which is too bad. i hope 
they come back this summer.

jim cooper, grumpy old man to all of you, called me up and announced he 
had taken the day off work to hang out. so me, being the genius i am, asked 
him if he'd like to meet up around six. he so gently pointed out that um, 
he took the *day* off work and... oh. duh. since roderick was at school 
and i didn't have a housekey, jim came over and we watched some of the 
pop explosion (julie julie julie) on video for a while. once rod came 
home, i resumed my summer job as halifax sloan net social convenor geek 
and called up a few of my friends to come over for one last sloan net get 

warren, the only other non halifax sloan net kid still left in town met up 
with james and i down by bud the spud and jim and rod went off to buy
groceries for our last supper. :) james soon left for ckdu to interview snfu.
warren and i went up to the murderecords offices so i could say Happy
Birthday to marc and give him a big hug n' kiss. on the way up there, i 
ran into al tuck who i had interviewed two weeks earlier on the phone. 
just before hanging up he said to make sure to say hi and introduce 
myself once i got to halifax so i said "hello, i'm tara" and we chatted 
for a few minutes. i told him it was marc's birthday and he was like 
"are you serious?? wow i'd better get my act together and get him a little 
something." anyway, then i went and planted a big one on marc's cheek. 
woo hoo.

then we hung out at kinko's for an hour, like losers. we missed the 
simpsons. boo!! :(

anyway, we finally got back to the house and soon the guests wandered in. 
heather, katrina, james, jim, warren, and later on, brendan, and me and 
rod sat around and ate vegetarian chili and salad and watched the pop x on 
video like the true losers we are. and although this might not sound very 
exciting to you all who were not there, it felt very comfortable and nice 
and relaxing to just hang out together. kinda low key but very nice.

brendan performed his special light show for us all, too. what a treat 
that was! and he brought candy over for us all to sample. mmm yummy!

and then i had to say goodbye to my friends, one by one. not a happy 
moment but knowing that i'm coming back made it a little easier. at 
around 10 pm, the last of our guests left, those two daydream scallywags, 
jim and james. 

and then me and roderick stayed up late watching all the east coast 
videos he had never seen cause he's lame and doesn't have cable. can you 
believe it, he'd never even seen "french inhale"? 

the next day, fire engine red was scheduled to be interviewed on james' 
show "cod is my copilot" at ckdu. it was the funniest thing ever!! they 
had a wicked wicked time and they loved james to death. actually they 
just loved halifax in general and if it wasn't for the fact that lorrie 
loves his calgary girlfriend so much, james and brooker say they'd move 
there in a second. :)

the saddest part ever comes next. i had to say goodbye for the last time. 
yuck. i don't even want to talk about this part. you have all had to say
goodbye to someone you love probably so you know how it feels.

we got into the fire engine red van once again and hit the road and 
listened to Blue Mountain and didn't speak much. there wasn't much to say.

"...when we first started, Ian, Rob and I, our first band was called 
Nabisco Fonzi."           - Joel Plaskett

***CJSW 90.9 fm -->***

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