hello everybodeee :)

well, d'arcy and i (along with lisa and warren) were able to talk to julie
last night after waiting and waiting and stuff.

but that's not the point of this message.

we (d'arcy and i) were walking along queen st and passed this bookstore with
a display advertising donna lypchuk's <sp?> book.  there were many colour
photocopied photos surrounding the humoungously enlarged book cover posters. 
(did  that sentence make any sense?).  low and behold, there are these
HILARIOUS pics of those sloan boys... andrew (hair toussled), jay (hair
toussled and looks adorable!), patrick (umm.. not much diff..oh, shifty
eyes), and chris (who takes the cake -- hair sticking up in all directions,
wide-eyed, no glasses.. he definitely must have been on something.  no if,
ands, or buts!).  unfortunately, none of these pics are in the actual book...


                        ...sizzle teen

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