Hi Dazza,

I've had some weird problems with rolling out many boxes in the past.

I would have first set all the bios to factory default so that they are all the same.
(After checking firmware versions are the same etc...)

I've had in the past two really weird things happen.

First was a keyboard.
On one workstation I kept getting Hard disk errors. Wouldn't boot up. Yes that's HDD errors. Couldn't figure it out. Moved the computer to another area minus the screen, keyboard, mouse and it worked perfectly. Moved back again and problems again. Elimination of plug in bits showed that one keyboard was causing the error. However this keyboard worked perfectly fine on all other computers in the area. So I swapped this keyboard with another from another floor in the building (just in case by some bizarre coincidence they meet up again) and the problem went away.

Same thing with a monitor.
Blow me down this monitor and this computer just don't want to work together. Swap monitor with somewhere else and all ok. Same manufacturer, same model, same batch of computers and monitors.

So, if you've tried everything else, try swapping the things that plug into the computer.


On 12/11/2014 3:13 PM, DaZZa wrote:
Long time no post.

So I got my hands on two Intel Nuc's for work (nice toys - small and
quiet), and that other OS everyone seems to love didn't want to
install on the USB "disk" which was stuck in them, the decision was
made to go to Linux.

A bit of research showed me that Ubuntu was about the only install
which would painlessly go onto these things (after a BIOS upgrade), so
despite my habitual distaste for Ubuntu, I downloaded a copy and
installed it on the first one - all cool, boots up, able to customise
it to do what I want, cool bananas.

This is where is gets weird. I then proceeded to copy the USB key
being used a disk using DD (to save having to customise the second one
all over again). All apparently worked, both keys booted the box no
worries - so I took one of them and stuck it into the second Nuc.

And it flat out refused to boot. Nada. Get nicked.

I thought I must have stuffed up the image - but both disks booted the
first device fine.

After scratching my head for a few hours and trying every BIOS option
I could find, I decided to try a fresh install from the CD onto the
new device - and stuff me if it didn't work.

Now I'm at the point where one "disk" will boot on one device but not
on the other.

Has anyone come across this before? Is it something specific to
Ubuntu, or is it the stupid "SecureBoot" crap (which was turned off,
by the way) they put into the BIOS for these things doing *something*
to the "disk" to make the second device not recognise it?

Not really an issue, because I've fixed them so they both boot now -
but I'm intensely curious as to *why* this happened.


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