In case anyone stumbles on this thread....

I finished up with a Logitech H800 dongle/bluetooth which worked out of the box - Ubuntu 12.04. I don't have bluetooth on my computer, but the bluetooth works well on my Android so that's a bonus.

Both sounds and mic are about the standard you would expect - not high fidelity but acceptable. I'm getting an occasional interference noise which I need to investigate, but that could be anything.

It's got the world's most cryptic instruction sheet, but there isn't much to know so that hardly matters.

On 02/12/14 06:37, Valentin FERON wrote:
I have a Corsair Bluetooth headset too with microphone and it works fine on
Ubuntu as well. It was actually recognized right away by the system.

Feron Valentin
0474 225 521

2014-12-01 23:38 GMT+11:00 James Gray <>:

On 1 Dec 2014, at 4:41 pm, David <> wrote:

I foolishly bought an expensive ($150) Corsair headset, only to find
that there is fine print under the box that says it only works on windows.
The shop has agreed to change it, but insist that I make sure that what
they get in the right thing. Fair enough.

Any suggestions? The forums aren't helpful so far.


* works on linux
* high quality sound
* wireless (either dongle or bluetooth)
* preferably but not necessarily with microphone

David McQuire
0418 310312

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