Hello, SLUG persons,

I've just completed my first reasonably successful install of Linux tonight(one of the minibooks, Fedora Core 2) and damn! it's awesome. It feels like I'm using the computer now, not the software. I untarred my first tarball, installed my first downloaded Linux driver(from the COMMAND LINE, no less!) and don't I feel like a Big Man now! Still can't get the Generic SoftK56 modem to be recognised though, so unfortunately I still have to use XP for netting....

ANYWAY...I want to learn more, much more. I saw the Granville courses listed on your page, but theyre all finished, of course. SO, I was just wondering if you knew of somewhere else in Sydney I could find a beginner's course, you know, like a general intro to Linux? I don't drive, and live in Sydney's Hills District where the bus comes a couple of times a day if the driver is sober, so somewhere local-ish is obviously good, but hey, I'm not too picky!

Sorry to bug you with a bunch of newbie bollocks like this, but SLUG seemed the most logical place to ask. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a good Christmas, HAnnukeh, Midsummer or Diwali or whatever you happen to be celebrating!


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