At Thu, 18 Apr 2002 20:17:46 +1000, Louis Selvon wrote:
> When I create a domain called "" with username "username" 
> from the control panel from root that directory is accesible at
> /home/virtual/ (This is the base directory for the domain)
> At the user account level for that domain, it's home is
> /home/username (It cannot see /home/virtual/, only root
> can).
> Now root Perl repository is located at
> /usr/bin/perl
> The repository is located at
> /home/virtual/


you have several "chrooted environments". read chroot(8) and chroot(2)
for the details, but basically its possible to change where you (and
your child processes) think / is. once you chroot into a subdirectory,
its very difficult (but not impossible) to get out again.

its an admirable security feature on a web hosting server.

to see what the user sees, do "chroot /home/virtual/" as
root. when you exit that shell, you'll return to "normal".

(chroots have other uses too. eg: the debian package "pbuilder" helps
you setup chroot environments so you can compile packages for "stable"
on an otherwise "unstable" system (or vice-versa))

> The contents of "/home/virtual/"
> are not symbolic links to the main /usr/bin/perl .
> This will not work anyway as user accounts cannot
> and should not see anything below it. Right ??

correct. symlinks are also affected, since they go off the user-space
view of the filesystem.

hard links will work, however, but they only work between files on the
same device - which is unlikely to be the case in many chroot-setup

using hard links will also remove some of the security benefits of
chroot - it will allow the chrooted user to (potentially) modify the
(real) system files.

> Now what I would like to know is this, if I manually
> kill all the contents of Perl for the, like
> this (from root)
> rm -Rf /home/virtual/
> and then do this (still as root)
> cp -r /usr/bin/perl /home/virtual/
> Will this install Perl properly for the user account, or 
> it just won't work ?

yes, should do. if you are going to have multiple copies anyway, you
might want to just do a fresh install into each chroot to be sure.

you'll need to worry about any dependencies (perl and non-perl) too,
of course.

> The only issue with this is as I install new CPAN modules
> as root they will not be seen at the user accounts.
> Then I probably need an additional step when CPAN install is
> complete. Have a script that somewhow will copy all these new
> modules to the Perl repositories of all the user accounts
> on this server. 
> Any ideas on how I can do this ?
> Or is there a way to have user accounts perl repositories
> be somehow automatically linked to the main /usr/bin/perl ?

you could run a cron job which copied the perl trees around (using
rsync, cp -a, tar or cpio - choice is good).

personally, i'd just install new copies of the perl modules into each
chroot. scripting something using would probably be reasonably
straight-forward and very useful.

("perl -MCPAN -e shell" is a very easy way to install CPAN modules)

 - Gus
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