The SLUG Python Interest Group (meeting third Monday of every month)
started last month.

I would love to hear from anyone who would like to speak to the group.
At present it is very small and informal (~10 attendees) so the
atmosphere would be very different from speaking to, say, SLUG.

At the moment we are not meeting in a room with a data projector, so if
you want one I can put you down for a later month and attempt to get an
appropriate room. We will have a normal overhead projector and the group
is currently small enough that you could do informal demos on a laptop.

Possible topics might include:

 * Any project (of any size) that you have worked on in Python. Code
   walkthroughs, interesting things you discovered, that kind of thing.

 * Python GUI toolkits (PyGTK, PyQT, Tkinter, wxPython)

 * Python programming tools (debuggers, profilers)

 * Open source Python projects (Mailman, Zope, ...)

"Talks" might in fact be demonstrations or discussions instead.

Could anyone interested in talking about anything Python contact me

People interested in attending the PIG should watch for my announcement
of the June meeting, which will be made as soon as I've organised a

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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