On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 10:09:13PM +1100, Russell Andrew Willis wrote:
> Also trying to set up dual boot for Win2000 & RH7.1, I'd like to use 
> NTFS but lilo doesn't seem to load no matter what order I load them. I 
> have gone through the archives & there appears some issue with the NTFS 
> system, suggestions welcome.

i had the nt bootloader thing booting linux once, by copying the dos entry
in boot.ini (or whatever file it is) and pointing it at a copy of the normal
linux (lilo) boot sector:

 install lilo onto a partition (eg: hda2), not the MBR

 dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/dosc/linux.bin bs=512 count=1

i think i only needed the first 512 bytes, you might want to copy 1k or so.

 - Gus
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