Tks, O.

I have upgraded my Xen kernels to 2080 and they run fine. My compile problems were with the standard kernel (except for zaptel, which I recall now was under the Xen kernel, so I will check it out again).

My use of Xen is still dvelopmental, but I hope to deploy it live over Easter.

O Plameras wrote:
Howard Lowndes wrote:

Don't worry about it. With FC5, I had to modify the source code for wlan-linux-ng (D-Link wireless driver) and zaptel (Asterisk PSTN card driver) and slmodem (laptop modem driver) to get them to compile. All compiled but not all will load. I haven't even tried recompiling VMware, that got broken back about the 2.6.14 kernel.

I had compile and/or loading issues in FC5 kernel as shipped with the first release, i.e. 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 until I came across this post under lists OpenAFS from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Its worth noting that (OpenAFS) 1.4.1rc10 won't work on FC5 either. There are a couple of further problems.

*) FC5 shipped with a 2.6.16rc kernel pretending to be 2.6.15. This meant that some of the tests in OpenAFS don't pick up on the correct mechanisms to use with that kernel. In particular this means that the new module_parm stuff won't get used, nor will the new kernel mutexes. Only the module_parm stuff is a problem. There's now an update for FC5 with a 'proper' 2.6.16 kernel, so this shouldn't be a problem on updated systems.

*) The problem with glibc, lwp, and setjmp that's been discussed on this list still exists - so aklog and friends will segfault. There was a patch posted previously and there's also different, cleaner, fix in the OpenAFS RT system.

Although, these observations were pertaining to OpenAFS, they provided clues to solve my troubles.

So, I immediately upgraded to 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5, and many of my troubles went away. There are lesser issues with some of my compiles, but these are apparently local to my codes and are now manageable.

Incidentally, it was not mentioned by the original poster in this list how to download the FC5 kernel-header. So, I thought, I will mention that I downloaded it by way of 'yum' command (This info is intended for newbie users of Fedora mainly. I discipline myself to use yum and/or rpm to install, update, and manage packages in all Redhat/Fedora dist to avoid having to sort out the mess later. Whenever I encounter issues with a package my first port of call is yum/rpm. It is one of the greatest time-saving inventions for systems administration in my view. After all computing is about saving
time; doing more in less time.)

#yum -y install kernel-devel

It is standared in RedHat and/or Fedora to just add '-devel' to the package name to
identify headers (includes 'includes' and 'libs').

Hope this helps.

O Plameras

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