Quick reminder about the second audio/ music group meeting on Saturday -
blurb below.

Second Meeting of SLUGAMuSIG - Audio/ Music Special Interest Group

When: Saturday, June 14; 10am onwards

Where: Macquarie University, Department of Contemporary Music Studies, building W6A, 
room 607

All interested in music/ audio and Linux are invited for the second gathering of the 
group.  A more detailed list of proposed discussions will follow shortly, but the 
general plan is a demonstration/ discussion in the morning, followed by an open 
session of jamming/ coding/ talking in the afternoon.  All levels of interest are 

A relevant map of Macquarie is at http://www.ccms.mq.edu.au/crowdy/macmap.html.  The 
best way to get to the Music Department (on the 6th floor of building W6A) is from the 
Balaclava Rd entrance (opposite Woolies from Epping Rd).  The closest parking is "W4", 
and costs $6.00 for the whole day.

For people arriving at various times through the day, the front door might be locked, 
but we'll keep an eye out,  or call me on 0408 478 802.

Denis Crowdy

For a report of the first meeting see: 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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