Since the user group has been discussing books, I was wondering if
anyone in SLUG would be able to assist me. I am looking for other
reviewers (2-3) for a book I am writing on Kylix that is coming out in a
few months.

The book is soley focused on the GLibC function calls, so I am after
someone who has worked with Linux and C for a considerable amount of 
time to help review the technical aspects of the book.

The book is written mainly to discuss Linux development concepts of
GLibC and how they are applied to developing with Kylix.

Most of the book is written now (7 out of 8 chapters) and the chapter
summary is

   * Introduction to Linux, Kylix and the Linux API (GLibC)
   * Error Management
   * File Operations
   * Processes
   * Interprocess Communication
   * POSIX Threads
   * Sockets
   * Converting other C APIs to Kylix

If you are keen, drop me an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'll be happy to give copies of the book to those who do the review and
also to SLUG to do what they want with, raffles, give aways etc.

Kind Regards,
Glenn Stephens

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