
Just a few days ago, I was try to experiment with
Samba+LDAP to store users and groups. As a start, I
found out that webmin has a module that can
auto-generate all the necessary things to set up LDAP
as well as the SAMBA.

So, I give it a try. The result? I've lost my ability
to log in to my box and it seems all password and
users name has been deleted/changed.

Luckly, at that time I still had 1 comp connected to
box via webmin. I've tried to change nsswitch.conf to

passwd:     files nis
shadow:     files nis
group:      files nis

But it seems nothing... Does anybody have any
recommendation what should I do put (at least) root
password to the box so I can log in again?

Best regards,


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