I'm looking for a Wiki to setup for the company to make available to
> contractors semi-private documents
> I don't mind if I have to pay a little for it, but open source would
> be most excellent.
> So, I'm looking for suggestions for some form of Wiki.
> I'd like
> 1) Secure - two levels of access (view/edit)
> 2) Lightweight
> 3) Linux (obviously, 'cause f**k paying Microsoft tax where I don't have to)
> It'd be nice if I could integrate it with AD (or at least LDAP query
> for usernames/passwords), but that's not critical.
> It'd also be nice if I could put some kind of skin or theme on it
> customised by the marketing nazi's to make it look all company-ie.

What colour car is best?

I find mediawiki easy to use, to maintain and my 5 min of fiddling painted it 
in a form that pleased me

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