attached (as text/html)

(jamie: don't believe everything you read. we're still working out
tridge, you and this month's meeting - looks like you will be on this
month as originally planned..)

 - Gus
Title: Minutes 20010605

Minutes 20010605

Minutes - Business Arising

  • Missing bank statements: Jamie Honan recommends we just make do with what we have.
  • Treasurer's report due in next week or so. Reincorporation stuff after that
  • Insurance has been renewed.
  • Signaturies: don't have to all be at bank at same time; need to fill out more forms tho. The required more forms were left at home. Can also show ID to a JP and get him to sign yet another form instead.
  • PO Box: 5 possible locations in CBD. 44 Market St is nearest central station, so probably go with that one. Look into redirecting from there to someone's home mailbox, too. (patrick)

Debian/SLUG Stand

  • Apparently, Key3 Media have been in trouble with the ATO for not invoicing people they gave free stands to. "Solution" is for them to invoice us for $4000, and us to invoice them for the same amount.. (xfire + patrick)

Meetings Coordinator

  • General consensus to make xfire "official meetings coordinator".
  • Make sure all talk organisation, etc gets CC'd to committee so we know whats going on. jdub to update web pages as usual

This Month's Meeting

  • Tridge is in (still to be properly confirmed tho). To talk about samba 2 internationalisation and samba 3. May have to pay his transport (possibly ~$200 if he flies).
  • Since Tridge is making the trip, give him the full meeting. Move Jamie Honan's talk to July (with Rebecca)
  • jdub to arrange BBQ King for post-meeting dinner.
  • Randal Schwartz: not here in time for meeting (he'll be here first week of July).
    • Hold a social event, with Randal giving a talk.
    • Try and liaise with Sydney Perl Mongers (if they're still alive?).
    • Friday 6th might be a good time. xfire suggests talk at UTS at 6:30pm-8:20pm, then 9pm Ghangis Kahn (near Town Hall)

Holy Wars

  • Possible: file systems, MTAs, DJB supporters vs the world, etc


  • Excessively social event
  • Pub debates (rants / holy wars)
  • Trivia quiz
  • vi vs emacs pool comp
  • Drinking game?

Web Cabal

  • Meet at Craige's office (city) sometime next week. Check day/time with Craige.


  • Been complaints of disruptions during talks. We should decide which 2 of us are running the meeting (for our own coordination) and they should endevour to "neutralise disruptive elements".
  • Urn: key is now with Tim Bayfield. Urn is now(?) level 6 engineering somewhere.. Gus to talk to Tim and sort out latest arrangements.

Angus Lees
Last modified: Tue Jun 12 11:33:41 EST 2001

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