> Now you should be able to mount that partition. You can always check which
> filesystems your kernel supports by looking at /proc/filesystems, like
> this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src $ cat /proc/filesystems
Jeff, as it was, I really wanted to mount JFS(it seems I forgot I was
using JFS, not H
>> so, short of recompiling kernel, I can forget about it ?
> It depends on your distro - they might have a kernel package that includes
> the hpfs module.
thanks, Jeff
it looks like found the anwser at
Re: Redhat Has Dropped HP
> so, short of recompiling kernel, I can forget about it ?
It depends on your distro - they might have a kernel package that includes
the hpfs module.
- Jeff
What's all that about? http://www.no-name-yet.com/
"That whole 'you complete me' thing is just tr
>> is it possibly something I overlooked installing during initial install
>> ?
> Almost certainly not, your kernel just doesn't have that module.
so, short of recompiling kernel, I can forget about it ?
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.
> is it possibly something I overlooked installing during initial install ?
Almost certainly not, your kernel just doesn't have that module.
- Jeff
linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australiahttp://linux.conf.au/
"When there's public debate and mass hysteria, that's when t
>> Maybe. First see if you have a loadable module for hpfs. It's almost
>> certainly called hpfs. Here's how I would do that:
is it possibly something I overlooked installing during initial install ?
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Maybe. First see if you have a loadable module for hpfs. It's almost
> certainly called hpfs. Here's how I would do that:
afs binfmt_aout.o cramfsintermezzo msdos reiserfs ufs
autofs binfmt
> if I wanted to mount an HPFS drive... does tha mean I need to ...
> recompile the kernel ?
Maybe. First see if you have a loadable module for hpfs. It's almost
certainly called hpfs. Here's how I would do that:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src $ find /lib/modules/ | grep hpfs
I'm trying to mount an HPFS disk, but get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# mount -t auto /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# mount -t auto /dev/hda5 /mnt/os2
mount: fs type hpfs not supported by kernel
if I wanted to mount an HPFS drive... does tha mean I need to ...
recompile the kernel ?