For some reason I found the mess of acronyms hilarious. The only
actual words in there were "Unix" and "Bonobo" both of which are, in
a very loose sense, types of monkey.

On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 09:32:06AM +1000, John Wiltshire kind of wrote:
> You are thinking of Distributed Component Object Model, not Component Object Model.  
>It's actually a lot more complex than
> that.
> Macintosh Operating System -> Windows -> WM_USER -> Dynamic Data Exchange (Macintosh 
>Operating System heritage)
> Dynamic Data Exchange -> Object Linking and Embedding version 1 -> Object Linking 
>and Embedding version 2/Component Object Model. (Still no Unix)
> Remote Procedure Call -> Distributed Computing Environment -> Microsoft/Remote 
>Procedure Call.  (Unix heritage)
> Microsoft/Remote Procedure Call + Component Object Model + Common Object Request 
>Broker Architecture -> Distributed Component Object Model
> However it is fairly clearly Component Object Model -> Bonobo, not Distributed 
>Component Object Model -> Bonobo ((defun GNU (GNU is not Unix)) Network Object Model 
> already used Common Object Request Broker Architecture and switched to Bonobo 
>because Common Object Request Broker Architecture didn't quite fit).
> Now given that Component Object Model had already evolved to Distributed Component 
>Object Model by the time Bonobo was born
> you can argue a Unix heritage or not. 

apologies for the pseudo-lisp. Gnome almost escaped my attention,
it's almost a real word.

Pedants may parse the above with

s/UNICS/UNiplexed Information and Computing Service/g

at will, but are advised to do so only if they find that particularly

> It's really not that important anyway.

thankfully :)


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