There is PMI 1.1 support in mpi/pmi2 plugin. So mvapich2 programs with
simplepmi will work with mpi/pmi2.
在 2013-08-05一的 05:33 -0700,Janne Blomqvist写道:
> Hi,
> I'm trying out the MPI integration in slurm 2.5.7, and I stumbled upon
> something weird with mvapich2 and pmi2.
> While the MPI
All jobs got into the same problem again. It may be related to /var
filling up and slurm not being able to store any job informtaion in
./slurm.state. Once the /var is cleaned the jobs still report the
ReqNodeNotAvail even though there are plenty nodes available.
How can I get the ReqNodeNotAv
So I'm trying to understand why slurm gets into the
compute_c_b_task_dist oversubscribe state in the first place. The
relevant code is in src/plugins/select/cons_res/dist_task.c At the
routine called _compute_c_b_task_dist.
I'm not sure my interpretation of what is going on is correct as I'm
I have some problem with the QOS in SLURM.
I created a user "chauvin" like this:
/sacctmgr create user chauvin Account=sr Cluster=isei
DefaultAccount=sr defaultqos=parallel
Fairshare=parent AdminLevel=none//
/And I h