Dear all,

I have a Slurm setup that has a couple of partitions and I want to limit the 
number of CPUs that each user can use in each partition. I'm trying to do this 
by attaching a qos to each partition and setting "MaxTRESPerUser" in each to, 
e.g., cpu=1000. It looks like this setting is ignored.

I did some research and it appears that AccountingStorageEnforce has to include 
"qos" in order for this to work. Is this correct?

Is there another way to limit number of used CPUs per partition?

It appears to be a bit cumbersome to create accounting information for each 
user and partition. What's the best approach here? I have to admit that I have 
a hard time to grasp the implications of Slurm accounts and QOS from the 
official documentation. What's the best way to get an overview here besides 
reading most of the manual begin-to-end?

Best wishes,

Dr. Manuel Holtgrewe, Dipl.-Inform.
Core Unit Bioinformatics – CUBI
Berlin Institute of Health / Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the 
Helmholtz Association / Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Visiting Address: Invalidenstr. 80, 3rd Floor, Room 03 028, 10117 Berlin
Postal Address: Chariteplatz 1, 10117 Berlin

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