We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm version 20.02.5.

This includes an extended set of fixes of varying severity since the last maintenance release was made a month ago.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

* Changes in Slurm 20.02.5
 -- Fix leak of TRESRunMins when job time is changed with --time-min
 -- pam_slurm - explicitly initialize slurm config to support configless mode.
 -- scontrol - Fix exit code when creating/updating reservations with wrong
 -- When a GRES has a no_consume flag, report 0 for allocated.
 -- Fix cgroup cleanup by jobacct_gather/cgroup.
 -- When creating reservations/jobs don't allow counts on a feature unless
    using an XOR.
 -- Improve number of boards discovery
 -- Fix updating a reservation NodeCnt on a zero-count reservation.
 -- slurmrestd - provide an explicit error messages when PSK auth fails.
 -- cons_tres - fix job requesting single gres per-node getting two or more
    nodes with less CPUs than requested per-task.
 -- cons_tres - fix calculation of cores when using gres and cpus-per-task.
 -- cons_tres - fix job not getting access to socket without GPU or with less
    than --gpus-per-socket when not enough cpus available on required socket
    and not using --gres-flags=enforce binding.
 -- Fix HDF5 type version build error.
 -- Fix creation of CoreCnt only reservations when the first node isn't
 -- Fix wrong DBD Agent queue size in sdiag when using accounting_storage/none.
 -- Improve job constraints XOR option logic.
 -- Fix preemption of hetjobs when needed nodes not in leader component.
 -- Fix wrong bit_or() messing potential preemptor jobs node bitmap, causing
    bad node deallocations and even allocation of nodes from other partitions.
 -- Fix double-deallocation of preempted non-leader hetjob components.
 -- slurmdbd - prevent truncation of the step nodelists over 4095.
 -- Fix nodes remaining in drain state state after rebooting with ASAP option.

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