Hello all,

Each week, I generate an automated report of the top users by CPU hours.
This week, for whatever reason the user root accounted for a massive number
of hours:

Login           Proper Name               Used                       Account
--------------- -------------------- --------- ---------
root            root                     28224                          root

I've tried to generate a report on what might account for this, but so
far I'm stumped. For example, when I run a typical report:

sacct -o jobid,jobname,start,end,NNodes,NCPUS,ReqMem,CPUTime,AveRSS,MaxRSS
-S 2024-04-22 -E 2024-04-29 --user=root --units=G

Nothing comes up (same if I change --user=root to --account=root).

I'd appreciate any thoughts as to how to investigate or understand
this. It may well be that I'm missing something fundamental.

Warmest regards,

*Jason L. Simms, Ph.D., M.P.H.*
Manager of Research Computing
Swarthmore College
Information Technology Services
(610) 328-8102
Schedule a meeting: https://calendly.com/jlsimms
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