CALL FOR SPEAKERS (repeat call)

O'Reilly Open Source Convention
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina
July 22-26, 2002 -- San Diego, CA

        Call for Participation - XML track
        Proposals Due: March 1, 2002

The theme of this year's Open Source Convention is "Doing More With Less."
This has several aspects: how business can do more with less money (by
adopting open source software), how developers do more with less time and
financial support, how to make the most of what you've got (performance
tuning and little-known-of features), and how open source software manages
to avoid the bloat that characterizes closed-source software.

XML technology has rapidly become a foundation on top of which a lot of
other projects are build. What started as simple parsers and style sheet
generators, the technology has now grown to now include generators for
complex formats and is used as the basis for several exchange protocols -
with Security as the most recent addition. Using these powerful building
blocks to encode, manage, exchange and secure data blocks, organizations
are coding ideas with relatively little investment - at a speed often
surpassing the standardization efforts.

Which such a large field there is a lot of room for a wide range of talks
and tutorials - from simple introductions into XML, to implementation
stories, to in depth studies of the standards themselves, all the way to
forward looking research on xml-security and data exchange trust models.

Individuals and companies interested in making presentations, giving a
tutorial, or participating in panel discussions regarding operating systems
at this year's Open Source Convention are invited to submit proposals.
Proposals will be considered in two classes: tutorials and convention
presentations (sessions).

Presentations by marketing staff or with a marketing focus will not be
accepted; neither will submissions made by anyone other than the proposed

Session presentations are 45 or 90 minutes long, and tutorials are either a
half-day (3 hours) or a full day (6 hours). If you are interested in
participating in or moderating panel discussions, or otherwise contributing
to the conference, please let us know (and please include your area of
expertise). If you have an idea for a panel discussion or a particularly
provocative group of panelists that you'd love to see square off, feel free
to send your suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are also planning 180 minutes of lightning talks on Friday. A lightning
talk is a 5-minute tightly-focused presentation on any subject you like. You
can discuss your favorite extension, rant, sing the praises of an
under-appreciated developer, plug your product or company, beg for a job, or
even present a Shakespearean-style play (don't laugh--we had one of these in
2001). Submit a lightning talk proposal using the form below. The lightning
talk schedule will be announced a few weeks prior to the conference.

Submitting Proposals

Proposals may be submitted using the form at

Keep in mind that proposals need not be works of art. A quick summary or
abstract of the talk you plan to give is sufficient for consideration. We
prefer outlines for tutorials. The proposal is what the conference
committees uses to select speakers, so give enough information that the
committee can tell what you'll be covering. As the conference approaches, we
will request additional information about your proposal as necessary.

NOTE: All presenters whose talks are accepted (excluding Lightning Talks)
will receive free registration at the conference. For each half-day
tutorial, the presenter receives one night's accommodation, a travel
allowance, and an honorarium. Registration will open April 1, 2002. If you
would like an email notification when registration opens, please use the
form at

Important Dates

    Proposals Due: March 1, 2002
    Speaker Notification: March 11, 2002
    Presentation Files Due: April 29, 2002

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