This is my first time using Castor (ver: and SOAP. I have some legacy Java
classes which I'm trying to marshal to XML using Castor mapping files that I have
created for the java classes. The mapping file seem to work correclty when I running
a test client that is not going thr
I'm a beginner to Apache SOAP 2.2 and I trying to user TcpTunnelGui. I'm not sure
what are the arguments I should use for it.
Does anyone know what are the correct arguments to use for TcpTunnelGui?
Thank You In Advance,
the client.
outResponse.setRootPart ( aWriter.toString(), "text/xml" );
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/28/02 12:31PM >>>
I can not tell the problem without having a look at the source code
- Original Message -
From: "Ide Roth" <[EMAIL
I'm trying to do a service request and keep getting an interal server error.
The error messages are:
"500 Internal Server Error"
"500 Servlet messagrouter: unable to service request: Error building response
envelope: java.lang.NullPointerException."
Has anyone encounter this p
I'm a beginner user of EAServer and SOAP. I found a direction on
installing Apache SOAP 2.2 on the web and I've use it to install SOAP
with EAServer4.1. The installation went find. I was able to deploy
service on the SOAP admin. But I ran into problem when I tried to do a
request on t