Look in the local phone book under "printers" or
"surveying equipment".  Custom maps are often plotted
from autocad drawings and some surveying suppliers
have  a plotter in the back room that they'll do small
jobs with.  Architectural illustrators are also
usually set up for autocad.  Actually AutoCad is
massive overkill for model airplanes but I guess ya
gota use what ya got

Jack Womack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [RCSE] AutoCad Question
> I got my first plotted plans today. Wow! I can't
> believe how nice they are. My question for the group
> is where to go to get them plotted when you need
> them.
> These were plotted by a friend at his
> workplace...he's
> the one that got me started drawing this way.
> Kinko's gave me a disk and told me that when I got
> ready, I had to convert them to their format. It
> doesn't work. It converts word documents and
> pictures,
> but not dwg files...or am I missing something...Doh!
> I
> am good at missing stuff...any help would have me
> spending most of my modelling dollars on cad
> plots..at
> least right at first...
> Jack Womack
> Real men scratch build, and draw with AutoCad...

===  .~.  
--   /V\    
.  //   \\   
  /(     )\  Norm
  (^^)-(^^)  http://www.gj.net/~nmasters/index.html

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