I would love to be a Level V member of LSF.  It is never going to happen.  I could already posses (or develop) the skills needed and still never achieve that goal, because...I will never enter contests. 
    For many people, the problem they have with LSF requirements is not competition but contests.  I'm very competitive but I live 200 miles from the nearest contests -- I know, I know, many are saying, "Gee, that would be nice!"  Like me, many people don't have the time or the dollars to spend a weekend, motel room, 20-25 gallons of gas, and entrantance fees just to enter a contest.  I fly in a 100 acre pasture...by myself.  I could devise a set of "goals" for myself that would assure my continued progress as a flyer, but I would love to have a set of COMMON guidelines that I could test (contest?) myself against.  As I understand it, that is the what that is being sought.

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