In a message dated 9/6/2006 10:28:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There needs to be a less expensive way to gain the experience and to recognize the resultant increase in skill  levels. 

Harold hits the nail on the head ... 

The reality facing a novice of dropping a thousand bucks or more on an aircraft and (maybe) the same on  a radio and p'haps half that much on incidentals is enough to make a 'grown man cry' ... 

Can a beginner afford such ? ... who wants to afford such and then not even know if s/he can fly that glider, use that radio, understand the incidentals just purchased ? ... 

Bill Warren ( OPENING SOON ! )  and Ray Hayes at Skybench ( ) are making a concerted effort to keep the cost of soaring down to an affordable level and by so doing, hopefully, will attract more novices to our grand hobby ... 

Their websites are (and will be) a wealth of information about the sport, the basics, the costs to be expected and much more ... Thousand Dollar 'hard body' zoomies won't be found here ... 

When you have interested folks show up at your field, refer them to these guys and then, take a few minutes away from your flying to answer questions, do a 'Show and Tell', let 'em even fly one (at a safe altitude, of course) - in other words, get 'em involved ... 

If we don't plant the seeds to grow this hobby, than we're gonna get nothin' but weeds ... 

AMA # 3937
LSF # 3335 - IV


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