Yes I won.

About 8 raffle prizes, for the $20 I bought in tickets.? Shirts, a plane, some 
Greening servo mounts, some Serengetti sunglasses, some free Vinyl wing 
letterings, and some other stuff like a JR Spectrum Radio set.

I did pretty much everything I could to make room at the top of RES and Open 
class by teasing the guys with precision landing approaches, hovering over the 
hot spot, then at the last minute directing the models just outside the lines.? 
Drove them nuts knowing I could have taken it? :-)

I went to the SWC with a personal goal of getting a Woodie...I mean sure I went 
to bed with one and woke up with one, and had it ready all day too.? I really 
never had a woodie in my entire soaring career, going from power straight to 
unlimited planes.

So after all the work those two guys went to get me a woodie, and again never 
having had one before... I went with a special purpose to this SWC!? I wanted 
to leave with woodie wood!!!

At the end of the first day I had about a 50 point lead, I never missed a time 
and averaged +/- 3 seconds across the board in all the classes I flew this 
weekend, but it was that woodie that kept me from being able to focus on the 
other class landings.

So yes I took wood with my woodie (Marauder...awesome ship by the way)

YIPES that German took second place in Open!? Jason George used is landing 
judge connections to kill everyone in that class.? Mike Smith and Cody had a hi 
start fly off for 3/4 spots in unlimited.? Mike edged him by a point or two on 
the landing.

DP and Larry were in the bunch, and... the rest of the story will be posted :-)

Louisville or bust in the morning....

The weather today was the nicest I have ever experienced in all my soaring 
travels.? Not hot, almost no wind.? Definitely a really fun event.

Tired in Arizona
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