Due to poor weather conditions (crappy wind forecast) we have decide to
cancel the F3F race this Sunday 9/14 and have re-scheduled it for Sunday
Sept. 21. Same place same start time. I'll post a reminder late next week.



> Hey Guys,
> Race date: 9/14
> Gate opens: 10am
> Start time: 11am
> Location: Davenport aka Big Creek.
> Just a reminder that we will be having a F3F race this Sunday, 9/14 at the Big
> Creek Lumber site near Davenport, CA.  (Weather permitting, see below)
> Everyone including newbies are most welcome to come join us.  For insurance
> reasons the only requirement is that you are a current AMA member. Don't
> forget to bring your membership cards.  Go to this website and click on
> membership servicies at the top of the page to join or to simply find out more
> about the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA).
> http://modelaircraft.org/templates/ama/
> Race starts at 11am. Please be on time. We should be finished by 6pm or
> sooner.
> The gate will be unlocked around 10am and we would like everyone to park
> inside of the gate and along the east side of the runway between  the hanger
> and the gate. Please park completly off the runway. Sorry, camping is not
> allowed.
> The closest store is 5 miles away so make sure to bring plenty of food and
> water with you. Sometimes it can be pretty cold so make sure to bring a hat
> and some warm clothing.
> There is also quite a bit of iceplant in the pit area as well as the LZ. This
> is a great plant for landing on but it will leave stains on your clothing
> that are very dificult if not impossible to remove, so dress accordingly. I
> also reccomend you bring a rag and some water  to clean your model(s) after
> landing. A tarp for setting your gear on is a good idea. While there is quite
> a bit of poison oak at this site all the areas we will be using should be
> relatively free of this nasty plant.
> In the event that the weather pattern changes to an off shore (NE) flow we
> will cancel the race and move it to a later date. You will recieve a final
> update on Friday evening around 6pm.
> The Davenport site is located around 15 miles north of Santa
> Cruz. Please email me directly if you are interested joining us. The F3F
> format allows only one model on the race course at a time so there is NO
> risk of having a mid-air. Newbies are most welcome and encouraged to join us.
> Any type of glider will work including, I dare say, a foamie :-) Bring what
> you have and give it a try. It really is a lot of fun and we will make sure to
> team you up with an experianced F3F pilot your first time out.
> Feel free to forward this message to group lists or individuals if you think
> there may be some interest.
> I was having some email problems when I made the last NorCal head count post
> which was causing some mail to bounce back to the senders. If you experianced
> this problem please resend the message if you wish to be added to  the NorCal
> F3F group.Thanks.
> I hope to cya there!
> Dave Reese
> Santa Cruz, CA

-- Dave Reese


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