
I followed Joe Larson's article on SERVO LOADS in August RCM. Through the
publlished equation, I have arrive to my version of table showing servo
torque requirement vs. air speed in considering the control surface
featured given by an open class ship (Prism), and the analysis is as

The data in table is divided into two sections, roughly upper left and
lower right. The data split is driven by a predetermined threshold servo
stalling torque of 35oz*in off a typical wing servo on the market. The
border line is represented by junction between parenthesis ( ) and < >, for
aileron and flap, respectively. Trying to be less specifical to the data
presented here, servo-arm:control-horn radius ratio is 1:1. Displacement is
in degrees represented by deg., Speed is in mile/hour as in mph and Servo
torque as in oz*in. 
Table 1.
Function: Aileron------------------Flap
Servo   : =<35oz*in             >>>40oz*in
Span    : (23) in ----------------<26> in
Length  : 2.0 in ------------------2.0 in
deg.=10    15    22    33    45    60    90
mph  oz*in oz*in oz*in oz*in oz*in oz*in oz*in
10   0.5   0.7   1.0   1.4   1.8   2.3   2.6
15   1.0   1.5   2.0   2.8   4.7   5.1   5.9
22   2.2   3.2   3.9    16   8.9    11    13
33   5.0   7.3   7.8    29   (20)  (24)  (28)
45   9.2    14    20   (33)  <42>  <52>  <60>
60  (16)   (24)  (35)  <58>   75    92   106
90  <41>   <62>  <90>  130   169   207   239
127  83    124   179   261   338   414   479

At 127 mph, most wing flap servo stall at 4.8 degrees.
Given the above example and servo's stalling torque limit, it is clear that
slick ships may risk flap serveo stressed failure if homing at steep
terminal velocity and deploy flaps at the last minute, even at a speed as
low as 45 mph. If terminal veolcity is not avoidable, there may be four
approach is to support/maintain tail up reaction due to flap down, that can
transform more wing (tail+fuse) area into frontal area and thus drag, that
would relax the servo torque required relative to condition when the tail
is line up with the air stream. In addition, take more time to reach full
flap configuration would help more in preventing servo stress.  
approach is to program two stage of 'butterfly' on each wing-halfs. i.e.
+/-10 to +/-20deg. between time stages for (+)aileron and (-)flap,
respectively. That should take the high torque demend off both seros.
approach is to deploy spoilers on wing top. There should be no major
concern on servo stress for hinged-spoiler type comparing to the gate-like
types, because the air on top tends to lift it open. Remember the operating
principle of high speed flow separation and the formation of
Forth but future 
approach is to develop a mass producible slow but high torque servo, such
as one that can output 200oz*in over one second.
Although there are technique and products which can utilize the
trigonometrical transfer functions to our advantage here. But that can only
comes out as supporting solution to the problem here.

At this point, I begin to aware that preproduction servo stress test should
be made with (fixed 60degree) sin-function torque-load curve with stall
torque set at end of each different target displacements from 5 to 60
degree in multiple steps and tests. Because not all servos that are able to
pass static stall test can also pass the dynamic stall test. That can be
traced to the mechanical design dimensional tolerance error plus the
stressed geometry deviation error of the gear and its box as a system.
(haven't mention wear and tear yet) In particular to resin composition
non-metal gear and housing.

I thought that would be of interest to some of you. Comments are welcome.

YK Chan
Seattle area

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