As you are aware, we have a group of volunteer youngsters that shag 'chutes all day long, regardless of the weather, that are referred to as the "Turnaround Trolls". I'm trying to find out, in advance, how many Turnaround Trolls I can plan on having on my crew this year...
Ideally, I'm looking for volunteers that will be able to work all 3 events - 2M, UNL, & RES events. However, volunteers for any event are welcome, and we always manage to work them in somehow <G>. We try to give all the kids a chance to participate & help out by driving a golf cart and/or being a co-helper. However, that is dependent upon whether your child is safely able to handle the job, and is solely at my discretion...Safety comes FIRST, as the ground they traverse is rough, they generally travel at maximum speed in order to help things run efficiently, and as long as you're flying...The Trolls are retrieving 'chutes for you! I usually pair-up a smaller child with a larger one and, so far, we haven't had any major issues during my tenure as Head Turnaround Troll. Again, safety always comes FIRST! 
Any pilots attending the 2006 Soaring Nationals, that have youngsters that will be volunteering to be a Turnaround Troll please send me the name, age, what days they can work, and the shirt size your child would like so I can get an idea about the size of my crew and let them know what we need for shirts in advance.
Head Turnaround Troll
2006 Soaring Nationals

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