Yesterday I was invited to fly with some of the members of the Northwest Florida Models at their Harold field flying site.  . It is one of the many sites around the Pensacola/Milton area that the NFMI modelers have access to.  Harold field is about a one mile square field of grass.  What a treat! 
    President Bobby Franks and Safety officer Buddy Bradley along with several other members were there.  Gerry Baxter  brought his winch which was put to nearly constant use.
    The weather was nearly perfect with clear skies, light wind and an abundance of thermals.  Everyone had several exciting experiences with hat sucking thermals.  My Impress II electric model was easily carried aloft by a couple of those great thermals.  The Blaster, XP4 and 2M also had great rides.
    If you are in the Pensacola area, contact one of the members or look at the website for contact information.
Don Richmond
San Diego, CA

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