Title: Re: [RCSE] "If you ain't ordered your Supra yet....good luck!'
The Natalee Holloway murder was truly tragic.  No doubt the govt of Aruba did not cooperate with the investigation into her diappearence.  Justice has not been served
in Aruba, there is no question of that.  Countries that allow murderers/etc to run free need to have some accountability and perhaps a boycott of Aruba is the start of that.
On another note, I suppose OJ didnt murder Nicole and Mr. Jackson is most definitely a person in whose hands I would entrust my children.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] "If you ain't ordered your Supra yet....good luck!'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11-16-05 11:01 AM:

Warm and light breeze here in Aruba


I didn’t make this for public consumption, just yours, but I feel strongly about the subject.

According to CNN the Alabama governor, Bob Riley, joined  family of the young Natalee Holloway, who was
allegedly killed in Aruba by the son of a judge, in asking the citizens of the USA to boycott travel to Aruba.  They claim that it is readily apparent that the government of Aruba has not fully cooperated with the investigation into her disappearance.  I agree.

So what are you doing there?  You’re not an investigator, you are a salesman.   Are you seeing if it is safe for your daughter?

A few years ago you were kind enough to give me some good flying lessons and I do appreciate them and your generosity, but ignoring the recent events in Aruba is irresponsible.  Because the Aruban government is quite concerned with the boycott I’m sure you got a hell of a deal on the trip and accommodations, but it is still irresponsible.  Cut your trip short and get yourself and your money the hell out of Aruba.

Jim Holliman — Oklahoma

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