Hi Fellow Slope Racers,

The Southern California Slope Racers are announcing a 2 Day MoM slope race
for Saturday & Sunday March 15-16 at Whitaker Peak, CA.  Two classes:  Both
60" Composite & Unlimited on Saturday and pure Unlimited action on Sunday!

  The Location is going to be Whitaker Peak, CA. Whitaker has been the site
of many slope races during the CSR days. Its long ridge faces dead bang
Southwest. There is plenty of room to run the unlimited racers and plenty
of pit area. The landing area is better than Parker or Vincent, but worse
than Banos. We will also have a backup location close by to race at in case
the wind is coming out of the East. One good thing about Whitaker is that
there is a nice campground about a ¼ mile up the road. There are also motels,
restaurants and markets in nearby Castaic

  The 60" matrix will be set at 10:30AM, and the first race at 11:00AM.
So if you are going to run the 60" class on Saturday you need to arrive
early. The Unlimited matrix will be fixed at 1:30PM, racing start at 2:00PM.
For Sunday, we will update the matrix at 11:00AM and race by noon.

  For information on how a MoM slope race is run and class rules you can
check out this link. http://www.sloperacing.com/Info/mom.htm

  This will generally work like the ISR held at Davenport CA, and will be
a great opportunity to tune up your plane and your thumb for the ISR to
be held in May.

  The entry fee is $5.00 for 60" and $10.00 for unlimited.

  If you plan on attending, please let me know. I need to know your Name,
AMA# (AMA required), Primary Freq. and Backup Freq. The sooner that I have
this information the better.

  Running a MoM is labor intensive and we can always use some extra bodies
to help run things. It's a great opportunity to see some big fast sleds
in some close racing. If you plan on working the race let me know.

  Stay tuned to http://www.sloperacing.com/Info/scsrmom2003.htm for the
latest information.

Mike Sheridan
So. Cal. Slope Racers
Huntington Beach, CA USA
Cell# (714) 926-MIKE

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