We all make mistakes in all kinds of ways, but the man who can claim that
he never says the wrong thing can consider himself perfect, for if he can
control his tongue (keyboard) he can control every other part of his
personality!  Men control the movements of a large animal like the horse
with a tiny bit placed in its mouth.  Ships too, for all their size and the
momentum they have with a strong wind behind them, are controlled by a very
small rudder according to the course chosen by the helmsman.  The human
tongue is physically small, but what tremendous effects it can boast of!  A
whole forest can be set ablaze by a tiny spark of fire, and the tongue . .
.  It is set within our bodily members but it can poison the whole body, it
can set the whole of life ablaze . . . Beasts, birds (gliders), reptiles
and all kinds of sea-creatures can be, and in fact are, tamed by man, but
no one can tame the human tongue.  [Uncontrolled] . . .  the poison it
spreads is deadly.

GET WELL, SAL!!  Keep him propped up, Carolyn--and take ten yourself :-) !!
Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)
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