WOW.. Just got back from a BayRC build night... Tonight it was hosted by the 
one and only Bob McGowan at his home in Fremont Ca. Only 200 miles away from 

 I had heard so many wonderful story's about these Build Nights I had to go and 
see for myself if they really built anything or it was just a code word for 
Beer and Strippers :-)))) hehe

Tonight's theme was turkey's for turkey.. You see Bobs son AJ is on the Junior 
F3J teem.. So to raise some money Bob and the group fixed up some old  planes 
that were turkeys.. And plan on selling them to help finance their trip to 
turkey for the F3J worlds...

Hell.... MR 2 Meter Bob McGowan even sold him 2m Image...To help pay for their 
trip... Do you have any idea how many contest Bob had won with that plane!!!! 
Its probably the single most winningest  plane ever in RC soaring.... Must of 
been hard for him to part with it...

I'm not sure how they plan on selling the planes they fixed tonight but if you 
hear anything just remember that your not just buying a plane... Your helping 
out our F3J teem :-))))

Driving 400 miles and only paying 20 for gas... Very Cool.... But watching Bob 
work on planes with a few beers in him,.,,,,, Priceless :-)))))


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