Hi All--

OK--I give in! I have been accused of keeping this info secret to give the
THSS contingent at the Poway CSR today an unfair advantage, but that is not
true--especially since I haven't told most of them what the rules are
either! I'm innocent, I tell you!

Here they are in a nutshell:

I lieu of having a real bomber to fly, I think we should allow any plane
with a wingspan greater than 60" to be the "bomber". It should, however, be
an EPP plane that can withstand a hit or two. A plane such as a Highlander,
TG-3 or something similar would work well. The remainder of the "squadron"
would consist of three pilots flying 48" EPP interceptor/fighter planes and
a score keeper. The bomber would fly an evasive pattern (no offensive
maneuvers allowed) traversing the slope from pylon to pylon while being
protected by the fighters that also have the opportunity to attack the
opposing bomber.

Scoring would be as follows:

Hit opposing bomber: 1 point
Downing bomber:       5 points
Downing fighter:         1 point

Round will last 10 minutes (less if time constraints arise). Relaunches are
allowed. Two squadrons will fly at a time; three squadrons could fly if

No gifts, awards or trophies will be awarded. We just wanna have some fun!

Thanks to Jerry Craft for allowing us to add this event to his well run CSR!

See you all in a few hours.

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